Streetbank News

Hello Brighton!

At Streetbank HQ plans are being hatched to make a bit of a change. What is more, we’ve selected Brighton to be our test-bed for this change.

Why Brighton? Because there’s a good number of you – nearly 800 signed up to Streetbank – and because you are a generous and (relatively active) community.  

What change? We’re calling it “gamifying” Streetbank. We’ve been asking what might help you be even more generous? How can we make sharing more fun, more addictive and so help not just Brighton but other towns and cities become more generous, more neighbourly, happier places?  

Some of the feedback we’ve had is that Streetbank doesn’t recognise people who’ve been doing great things – so we’re planning to give points – small numbers of points for being reliable – and bigger numbers of points for generosity.

You’ll be able to see the top five champions in your neighbourhood – and where you are coming too. It’ll look something like the “your champions” section that we’ve sketched for my neighbourhood…

Drop me a thumbs up or a thumbs down or any other comments at

Many thanks,

Sam and the Streetbank Team