أخبار ستريت بانك

Big Lunches, Baby Chilli Plants and a Bokashi Compost Bin.


Last Sunday, over a million people across the UK, got together for food, fun, games and conversation with their neighbours at thousands of Big Lunches. If you held one, well done! We hope it went well (despite the weather...)!

Next year the Big Lunch will fall on the same weekend as the Queens Diamond Jubilee, so why not start planning how you can make the most of these events in your community, now!? Try using your Streetbank Notice Board (click on Notices on the homepage) to get your neighbours talking and see what items and skills you can rustle up from your Streeties to help make your event happen.

For those of you with green fingers you’ll be pleased to hear that our favourite items offered this week included a Baby Chilli Plant, Pea Seedlings and a Bokashi Compost Bin – almost everything you need to start your own veggie patch. Scroll down to see if anything new has been added in your area.


Sam and the Streetbank team.