أخبار ستريت بانك

Seed Potatoes, an Eletric Keyboard and the Royal Wedding

We get a little buzz every time we see a message sent to a Streetbank neighbour simply entitled "Thank you!". It makes us know that the neighbourly interaction has worked and created a bit of joy in the process. In fact, you tell us that there is double the pleasure in being helped by a neighbour who doesn't stand to gain in any concrete way (though perhaps in other ways) and this is doubled again when you drop them a line to say "thank you". With the risk of over doing things, thank you for thanking. It makes the world or at least Streetbank go round!

Highlights of things shared  this week include seed potatoes, an 8 octave electric keyboard, an old Toshiba laptop whose mousepad doesn't work and some old crime thrillers that have been read and need a new home.

Finally, we are feeling excited about the Royal Wedding and the opportunity this gives those of us in the UK to have a big get street get together. Are you planning on organising something? If so, now is the moment to start planning and please feel free to promote the event through Streetbank "Notices" tab or by clicking here


The Streetbank Team