أخبار ستريت بانك

Happy Advent!

It seems premature to say Happy Christmas but it being December 1st we would like to wish you a Happy Advent! - we hope you have a good run up to Christmas and enjoy this time of expectant waiting and preparation.

We're feeling a little bit tantalised as a smart looking Moulinex Juicer has just been added which we thought would be a fun present to... well...  us... at the Streetbank office but it is just outside our 1 mile radius. We have rules about these things....

You should see on the right a map showing where Streetbank is most popular. Meanly we're focusing on the South of England because this is where we are busiest but we are equally excited about emerging Streetbank communities in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Malaysia, Canada, Australia, Turkey... We could go on. 

Have a great week.

Sam, Ryan, Nic and Cath