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Large zero waste week

Three top ways to help you become a Zero Hero

This year, the theme of Zero Waste Week (1-7 September) is ‘One More Thing’, an opportunity to ask ourselves what one thing we could do to cut our waste and make a big difference. So what could you commit to doing for zero waste week? We’ve put together three ideas to help you become a zero hero:

1) Love soup - any veggies looking like they need using are perfect for a big pot of what Streetbank HQ’s Tess calls ‘LOVE’ Soup – aka LeftOver VEggie soup. It couldn’t be simpler.

2) Plastic – it’s everywhere. Shunning plastic bags are a start but we reckon there’s more we can do! Shopping at farmers markets and high street stalls means much less plastic, for example, and the lovely people at Lush (who make creams and soaps and the like) take all their black pots back.

3) Electronic equipment is now the fastest growing waste stream in many countries. If you have gadgets and gizmos lying around that you’re not sure what to do with, check out The Restart Project – a fantastic organisation we rate highly. 

And that’s it from us. Sign up to Zero Waste Week to get hints, tips and encouragement throughout the week to help you become a Zero Hero this September!


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på August 20 2014 Maira Nothing sa:

This is wonderful!
Every project that drags our trash back into our focus is greatly needed!

Thanks a lot for sharing this!

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på August 20 2014 Rachelle Strauss sa:

Thanks for spreading the word about Zero Waste Week and for sharing such fantastic tips. Leftovers Soup is a frequent visitor to the table here at Zero Waste HQ :)

We have plenty more tips on the site. If people are still wondering what to pledge, our blogging ambassadors share their pledges here: http://www.zerowasteweek.co.uk/going-zero-waste-week-2014/ and we’ve got blog posts on plastic-free alternatives to toothbrushes, paste and deodorant to get people thinking outside the box!


på August 20 2014 Lucy Davenport sa:

Great! I’ve just signed up to this, and pledged to make my own lunches and not take any fresh carrier bags that week