أخبار ستريت بانك

Large champion event 14th july

A meet-up of minds: Streetbank get-together in Russell Square

This Monday night was a first for us.  We invited Streetbank members from across London to join us in the middle of Russell Square – come rain or shine – for a meet-up.  It was a chance for us to say thank you to some of our members, because without you and your neighbours, Streetbank is just a website.  It’s the 41,124 people sharing 51,723 things that makes it special.

Importantly, the evening was also a chance for our members to share stories and some time with one another. 

We had the pleasure of hearing from our Trustee, Moneyless Man and Founder of the Freeconomy, Mark Boyle, along with words from Streetbank Founder Sam and team Kate and Tess. 

Mark talked about why he decided to give up spending money in 2008, why he started his sharing website, ‘Justfortheloveofit’ and why he chose to let his baby go – handing the site over to Streetbank at the beginning of this year. 

We’re delighted that nearly 9,000 people, previously members of justfortheloveofit, have joined our growing sharing movement as a result of the merger and Streetbank has grown to be the biggest neighbourhood sharing website in the UK.

It’s impressive and we’re proud.  But what is it that really makes a Streetbank neighbourhood tick?

Conversations on Monday night helped us to think about this. 

Mark talked about our relationship with money.  If we always expect something back, we’re wiring ourselves in such a way that doesn’t appreciate all the other things we get from helping someone, just for the love of it.  Maybe it takes a number of people enjoying that warm feeling that we get from being generous to encourage them to be leaders and spur others on. 

Sam talked about our mission: “To create neighbourhoods where neighbours are generous” and we heard about the Richard effect, where one person’s ambition to build a neighbourly network, one person at a time, has built a community where people share not only things, but also their time – enjoying picnics, litter picks and gardening days with neighbours – all thanks to Richard sowing the seed.

What can you do to sow the seed near you? 

Contact kate@streetbank.com if you’d like to arrange an event with your neighbours.