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Has love blossomed on Streetbank?

One kind Streetbank member is offering to give away her electronic stud detector. For a moment we got a bit excited: a machine? That tells you where the nearest studs are? Is this the answer to the world's dating problems?

Then reality returned and we realised this device is detecting metal studs, not human ones. Shame.

The great news is that love is blossoming on the site, love for community.

In the last week alone, we've had people offering to lend fold-up bikes, leaf blowers, cots, scanners, DVDs, high-chairs and more; to give away sofas, bookcases, cooking pans, kids bikes, instruments; and to teach all manner of skills, from Excel spreadsheets to capoeira to insulating your home.

If you've not signed up to Streetbank, or not added an item to your profile yet, why not do it today and start sharing in that community love? It's all free and our new items page makes it very easy to upload your photos too. Simples.

Have a great weekend one and all,

Tess and the Streetbank HQ Team xx (not Sam, who wants it publicly known that he had no part in this tomfoolery...)


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في May 11 2014 Alex Jenkins قال:

There was an auld gent from Kent who believe it not lived in a tent and then one day ( grey) a shout went out ! Ahey hey hey!’ . ’I’m squizzy and I wanna bury my nuts ’ . ‘Hey hey ’ I played back ’ carry on lite squizz don’t mind me ’ ………. And pointing to the tent said ‘there , under there ’!!!!! ………. Squizz I said ’ bugger orf.’ …………. He did and with a court order he returned!!!!!!!!! Sod!!! I’m off to find my new patch …………

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في December 16 2013 Tess قال:

And thanks to Nic, who found a stud(ess) through Streetbank
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في December 16 2013 Tess قال:

Thanks to all the lovely comments from Streeties who are also keen to have an electric stud detector… most amused.