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Large sales

The January Sales Right Up Your Street

Streetbank gives consumers easy access to essential household items

As British Shoppers set new records at the sales spending £4.3bn in just two days, savvy consumers are looking for new ways to shop.

With the recession starting to hit households hard, heading to the high street to pick up household items that might only get used a few times is no longer a sensible or sustainable option for many consumers.


Streetbank, a website that allows neighbours to borrow and share household items, has found that more and more consumers are choosing to borrow, rent or buy items collaboratively.

This new collaborative consumption trend started with websites like Streetcar and Freecycle and was followed with concepts like Boris Bikes and the popularity of Clothes Swapping parties. In 2012 Streetbank predicts that we will be borrowing and sharing with our neighbours, friends and communities like never before in order to save cash and economise.

“As consumers start to really feel the pinch of the recession it’s no longer viable for people to go out and spend hundreds of pounds on a ladder or gardening equipment which they might only use once or twice a year – and that’s where Streetbank comes in. November and December have been two of our busiest months as people looked for cost effective ways of getting their homes ready for Christmas and we expect January to be even busier as neighbours seek to offload unwanted presents or add items to the site that they can share,” says Sam Stephens, founder of Streetbank.

“It is crazy that the average drill is only used for 15 minutes in its entire lifetime yet that most UK homes own one, it makes far more sense to share it. Using sites like Streetbank and Whipcar, where you can share your neighbours household goods and even borrow their car, saves you money, is good for the environment and connects you to your community. George Osborne might not like it but we hope in 2012 that borrowing from your neighbours will be as normal as heading to the high street or shopping on line.”