Nouvelles Streekbank

Large jumble trail1

A day of toys, vintage clothes, garden veg and jam

I caught my first smell of barbeque yesterday as I cycled home. It sparked a sense of excitement. Summer is near!

f the better weather is inspiring you to start planning summer events for your street might you consider a Jumble Trail? It’s something I have seen happening in my neighbourhood and is spreading across the nation. A Jumble Trail is like a car boot sale but for your street. Neighbours set up stalls outside their homes to sell bric-a-brac, toys, vintage clothes, veg from the garden, pickles, jams, cakes, art… whatever.

Jumble Trail is a brilliant website that will help you set one up and create a colour coded map so that bargain hunters know where to find all the treasure on sale in your neighbourhood.

Pete set this one up a few years ago in Earlsdon, Coventry. The first year it was small – 20 or so stalls and just 100 visitors but everyone loved the chance to do a clear-out, channel their inner Alan Sugar and meet their neighbours. There was a wonderful sense of community as their street was on show to the neighbourhood. This year more than 100 stalls are involved and they expect 2,000 people visiting from the local area.

For more details go to 

Sam and the Streetbank Team


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le Juillet 23 2015 Martina Randles a dit:

Hi Natasha,

We are looking for someone in Camden to Champion a Jumble Trail as we’ve received support from NLWA (North London Waste Authority) as part of their waste reduction/re use targets. The Champion would receive free flyers, free support and free stalls* (*£5 stall registration fee is refundable upon completion of a evaluation survey) Please get in touch if you or anyone your know is interested.

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le Avril 11 2015 Natasha Clayton a dit:

Perhaps we could do an open air give & take on a similar theme? I was thinking it would be fun to do one around Camden Square when the Camden Newtown festival was on? Anyone else live round here and want to have a chat about it?