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Large pomegranate

Food Glorious Food

I’ve just come back from Istanbul, land of the pomegranate, and have been thinking about the importance of food to a culture and to communities. This week, we therefore wanted to shine a spotlight on some of our favourite projects that use food as a way to connect people together.

 1)      The Trussell Trust is a foodbank network targeting food poverty in the UK and Bulgaria. With foodbanks on the rise, the team at Trussell Trust are doing invaluable work. Similarly, FoodCycle is a clever project that uses food that would otherwise be going to waste to provide meals to communities around the UK.

2)      One of the key themes for the Transition Network is food, and Transition communities worldwide are establishing growing spaces to provide local food.

3)      And if you enjoy eating with friends and want to try out somewhere new without a hefty restaurant bill, why not check out one of the brilliant pop-up supper club websites, such as Grub Club or Bristol Bites.

At the end of the day, it’s all about sitting down with friends, family or neighbours to enjoy something together. You could even invite a couple of Streetbank neighbours along too!


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في March 1 2014 Tess قال:

Thanks for sharing those Jonathan, great to discover the Local Food website and see what you’ve done in Ibstock! Am the new Food co-Editor for Transition Towns newspaper (Transition Free Press) so those links looks like they could be full of great case studies and news on courses etc. Thanks again!

PS if you want to drop me a line about anything you’re doing in Ibstock, I’m on tess@transitionfreepress.org.uk

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في March 1 2014 Jonathan O'Farrell قال:

Also worth mentioning the many Local Food projects:
And of these community gardens are a strong presence now in many people’s neighborhoods.
Why not find out what’s near you by having a ‘dig around’ with the search:
Here’s our local offering in Ibstock, Leicestershire – it just shows what can be achieved from a derelict scrap of land, in 3 years!