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Spotlight on... Permaculture

It’s great to see so many Streetbank members are involved in – or want to learn about – permaculture. Broadly defined, permaculture is a practical toolkit for creating low carbon ways of living. Based on natural principles found in ecosystems, these can be used by anyone, anywhere - in your home, your garden or the wider community. 

Everyone from Alan Titchmarsh to Alys Fowler to Kevin McCloud has promoted the benefits of permaculture. Indeed, 2012 saw President Obama's administration welcome permaculture into the grounds of the White House itself, something Tony Rollinson from Permaculture Magazine sees as a ‘breakthrough stance that has led to a huge increase in awareness of permaculture’.

For those interested in reading more about permaculture, Permaculture Magazine also produces Permanent Publications, books covering everything from growing your own food to renovating a home and using renewable technologies. In Rollinson’s view, they’re one of many things that help ‘demonstrate practically that there are solutions out there to many of the world's problems and engender a positive culture of hope’.

At Streetbank, we’re keen to promote communities coming together to share things and skills or to give under-used/unused items a new home. In the process, people are able to save money, cut their consumption and reduce their environmental impact – precisely what permaculture also strives to achieve. It’s no wonder so many Streeties give permaculture a thumbs up.


New missing

på September 29 2013 Cathy Davidoff sa:

I am using permaculture principles in my back garden in the UK. We are doing hugelkultur! We have buried logs along with some grass cuttings under the soil to make our vegetable garden. The carbon in the wood reacts with the nitrogen in the grass and this provides feed for the plants and encourages development of soil bacteria – in theory. It should feed the plants for 10 to fifteen years. This means no need to buy compost every year and no need to dig it in. We have had pumpkin, beans, peas, sweetcorn, garlic chives and multiplier onions from the beds this first year.

New missing

på September 16 2013 chadd robinson sa:

my friend’s aunt makes $85 hourly on the computer. She has been without work for 5 months but last month her pay check was $17550 just working on the computer for a few hours. original site www.Max52.com

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på August 15 2013 JOHANNES VAN TUYL sa:

Since we are a global community and since your comments are not linked to your profile it is helpful when you say “in Crosbie Heights” just where that is. Jon, Amelia WALK, Fernandina Beach, Florida

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på Mai 24 2013 Joni A. LeViness sa:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxAUJ77UGXs is a Great site video for permaculture! We’ve begun a food forest here in Crosbie Heights with the help of Green Country Permaculture (Amazing young men who’ve changed the land/mindscape of Tulsa and surrounding towns in just one and a half short years!)


på April 11 2013 J Katimertzis sa:

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